C++ Projects

Here I post C++ game projects that I have finished or am working on. I will continue to update this page with projects. Currently the C++ project I am working on is creating a Game Engine using the Entity Component System, I plan on posting demo videos of the Engine as it is compoleted.

Asteroids Clone

This was a school project to make a Asteroids clone using C++ and SFML. A demo video of my project can be found below. The game is Data-driven with all stats for player, enemies and asteroids being stored in JSON files. JSON files were also used to save game data, such as high score and using the game button '~' with the load button 'L'.

Ubisoft Next 2021 Submission

In 2021 I competed in the Ubisoft NEXT competition with the challenge of creating a tower defense game. For this project I decided to use Boids flocking algorithm to simulate natural movement of the enemies. I also implemented a simple IK snake to block enemies. There were multiple types of towers for the player to purchase as well as multiple types of enemies that were resistant to certain towers.

Games in a Day

I like to challenge myself by picking a simple game and creating a clone in only one day. All the games below were made in C++ with no engine, using OpenGL for graphics, each was made in about 7 hours. Below are demos of the 3 games I made, tetris, solitaire and blackjack.